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As time passed, ordinary html code <blink> have no functions anymore in blogger. Because html code <blink>is a non standard element. Relevant Web standard have removed this non-standard element. The old blink html code is look liked below.<blink>pinoy writings</blink>
What is blink html code?
Blink html code is a code that use in simple way of animating your text. This code is use to attract the viewers of a blog to look the text and click it or if there is something important on the text, blink code is also use.
In short, using blink code would make a text in a blog recognize easily.
Advantages in using blink code.
Blink code can create animated text that surprised the viewers. Everytime that a viewer landed to your page or post. The first thing that they may recognize is the blink text.
New generations like blink text because they enjoy it.
Disadvantages in using blink text
Old generations don't like animated text, because it maybe painful to their eyes.
Other viewer's may recognized it annoying.
The old code of blink is not supported and already removed because it is a non standard element but still you can use it through CSS STYLE.
How to insert or put blink text in blogger
Since the old blink is removed and not supported by browsers. We will use CSS styles to support the blink tag. Please follow the instructions.
Css style for code blink text
<style>.blink {animation: blinker 1s linear infinite;}@keyframes blinker {50% {opacity: 0;}}</style>
Copy the css code above .Open blogger dashboard. Select theme and click edit html. Paste the code below the <head> tag and save.(See figure below)
Now create a post through html mode. Copy and paste the code below and save.
Sample 1.
<p><span class="blink">sample pinoy writings blink</span>-182</p>
Sample 2.
<h1 class="blink">Blinking Text Example pinoy writings 2</h1>
Change the red text to your own text.
Now you know how to insert blink text in blogger. Sharing is caring. Share this article to your blogger friends.
Note: This article is base on writers knowledge while writings. If you have questions. Feel free to comment below.